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About John



Improved Energy

Body Fat Reduction

Healthy Cooking / Meal Planning

Primal Movements

Fasting for Health

My Mission


II want to lead by example and inspire others to do the same.  Your body is amazing and capable of amazing things.  We can all be healthier, stronger, faster and mentally clearer by taking care of our bodies with exercise and proper nutrition.  - Tall John 


My Story


I started my health journey when I was 31 years old.  I was working a full time sales job, doing a lot of traveling and feeling sluggish, just not myself.  I went to the doctor for my annual visit and she told me that I was just getting older and time was starting to catch up, I wasn't 16 anymore.  This just didn't feel right to me, so I started to do some research and came across the book, The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf.  I learned a lot from that book and it opened up my eyes to the food choices we make and how what we eat affects us.  I started to drop the weight and needed an outlet for all of my energy so I became a runner, for the first time in my life. 


When I was younger I wasn't into school sports due to a knee that would give me problems from time to time.  As I grew into my body the knee corrected itself and allowed me to focus on exercise.  I started to complete 10k races and ran my first half and full marathons, in the same weekend at Walt Disney World.  I started to realize what our bodies are capable of and with proper nutrition and training we can be unstoppable.  


In 2012 my father passed away from complications from COPD and other health issues.  He has been sick for years but never really took care of himself.  He had the mindset of, I am just getting older and years of smoking and working in factories are catching up.  He was only 62 when he died.  He worked up until the week he died and only got to meet my daughter a few times.  62 was way too young and no reason to happen. 


About this time I decided I want to start help others to stay healthy with some of the knowledge I had started to use for my own journey.  It was several years later when I came across the Primal Health Coach program.  I became a Certified Primal Health Coach back in 2019 and in 2022 became a Master Primal Health Coach.  


Today I help parents increase their energy to keep up with their kids and to be the example for their children.  



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